DHBW Research Day
The DHBW Research Day is the platform for linking research, innovation and transfer (FIT) activities at the DHBW. Open to all disciplines, it is dedicated to the current challenges of society and economy with changing thematic focuses. The series of events offers the opportunity to discuss current research and transfer projects on an interdisciplinary basis, to receive impulses for one's own research and practical design, and to establish new contacts with DHBW colleagues and dual partners for future projects.
DHBW Research Day 2023
The term "sustainability" shapes the current public and scientific discourse. Our ecological, economic and social actions should be designed in a way to ensure comparable or better living conditions for future generations. This is a great responsibility for all of us!
The topic of "sustainability" is significant for the DHBW and the dual partners and is anchored in teaching, further education, research, innovation and transfer. Whether sustainable materials, mobility and urban concepts, production processes or business models, sustainability in the care of the elderly and sick, in health promotion, in IT, higher education, social work or in construction, ... - many aspects of sustainability are already being researched, developed and lived at our university and with our dual partners.
These activities are the focus of the next DHBW Research Day:
"Shaping sustainability: Society, Health, Technologies and Markets" on 5 July (afternoon) and 6 July 2023 at DHBW Stuttgart.
The aims of the event are the exchange and networking of researchers and dual partners. In the context of sustainability, the Research Day serves as an impulse generator for idea generation, project cooperation and joint applications.
If you have any questions, please contact the Forschungstag-Team: forschungstag[at]dhbw.de. Thank you!
Program Committee
Program Chairs
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Mandel
- Dipl.-Inf. Inna Avrutina
Business and Health Care
- Prof. Dr. Marc Kuhn
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Nöst (StZ Health)
- Prof. Dr. Christian Schaller
- Prof. Dr. Martin Plümicke
- Prof. Dr. Stephan Schulz
Social Work
- Prof. Dr. phil. Annette Plankensteiner
The DHBW Research Day team is made up of the respective research support of the host academy and the Support Centre Research (SCF).
Please contact us: forschungstag[at]dhbw.de